
A small village in the north of mount Klinitsa, between the large plateau Kampos, which constituted the main agricultural resource of the village and the fir forest of mount Menalon. The name probably comes from the place name Zygos, which was probably attributed to the area because of its vicinity to the important passage of Western Menalo (nowadays known as Bilalis). The village was colonized in the 16th century by the family of Kontogianis as they moved here from their village of Emialon in Messinia. The same family also founded in 1608 the monastery Emialon, on the crest of the ravine of Lousios, just below Zygovisti. Zygovisti holds two other old religious monuments, that date back to the period of its creation, the churches of Aghios Nicholaos (1638) and Aghios Ioannis (1643), on the southern and the northern entrance of the settlement, while the parish church of the Transfiguration of Christ and the secluded monastery of Aghii Apostoli date to the early 19th century. Interesting buildings of the 18th-19th century are the old primary school (1830) and the tavern Asikides (1748). A high point in the history of Zygovisti is the participation of its inhabitants in the personal guard of Theodore Kolokotronis during the War of Independence of 1821. At the entrance of the village a marble monument has been erected in their memory in the form of open book listing the names of the fighters.

The Menalon Trail

From Stemnitsa to Lagkadia
Lenght 75.2 km
Altitude 420 – 1550 m


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