European Trails

The European Long Distance Paths cross the whole of Europe, from the North Cape countries to Crete and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Carpathians and the Black Sea. Total is 12 tracks, bearing the characteristic mark and are numbered from E1 to E12. The European Paths designed, labeled and maintained by the national members of the European Federation of Hiking (ERA). The European Paths combined with existing national or regional routes and create local networks. The alignments of the European Path E1 through E12.

E1. Nordkapp (N) – Göteborg (S) – Konstanz (D) – Lugano (CH) – Genua (I) – Salerno (I). Length: 7.000 km

E2. Inverness (GB) – Hoek v Holland (NL) – Antwerpen (B) – Echternach (L) – Chamonix (F) – Nice (F). Length: 4.850 km

E3. Santiago (E) – Vézelay (F) – Echternach (L) – Fulda (D) – Zakopane (PL) – Ártánd (H) – Nesebâr (BG). Length: 6.950 km

E4. Tarifa (E) – Grenoble (F) – Budapest (H) – Beograd (SRB) – Sofia (BG) – Lanaca (CY). Length: 11.800 km

E5. Pointe du Raz (F) – Fontainebleau (F) – Kreuzlingen (CH) – Bregenz (A) – Verona (I). Length: 2.900 km

E6. Kilpisjärvi (FIN) – København (DK) – Goslar (D) – Koper (SLO) – Alexandroupolis (GR). Length: 6.300 km

E7. El Hierro (E) – Lisboa (P) – Andorra (AND) – Nice (F) – Ljubljana (SLO) – Nowi Sad (SRB). Length: 4.330 km

E8. Dublin (IRL) – Hull (GB) – Hoek v Holland (NL) – Bonn (D) – Wien (A) – Košice (SK) – Svilengrad (BG). Length: 4.390 km

E9. Lisboa (P) – Brest (F) – Hoek v Holland (NL) – Lübeck (D) – Gdansk (PL) – Tallin (EST). Length: 5.200 km

E10. Nuorgam (FIN) – Potsdam (D) – Praha (CZ) – Salzburg (A) – Bolzano (I). Length: 2.880 km

E11. Scheveningen (NL) – Osnabrück (D) – Potsdam (D) – Poznań (PL) – Ogrodniki (PL). Μήκος: 2.070 km

E12. Sceuta (E) – Barcelona (E) – Nice (F) – Genova (I) – Salerno (I). Μήκος: 1.600 km

From Stemnitsa to Lagkadia
75 km of nature and history.

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